DESIGN SOPHOMORE / DES 3515 Design Research 1
Salt and Snow is a research project that exists off the concept of replicating natural occurring textures in a digital realm. When visiting Stansbury Island I was immediately drawn to the variety of textures the island produced and how it seemed to reproduce the same textures within itself. This lead me to notice how different textures sounded and felt as I moved through out them. I was intrigued on how I could digitally compare, reproduce, and map the textures I took away from the island.
First, the sounds of the naturally occurring textures produced were recorded with a microphone. Next, the texture was documented through photo. The audio was then brought into two digital softwares, TouchDesigner and Ableton Live. In both of these I was able to set up parameters to where the audio file could be broken down and produce a physical diagram of what the audio "looked" like. Lastly, all information was organized with respected photos and labels.
The results are very interesting, seeing the remapped digital texture next to the natural texture many similarities come to light. It was fun to experiment with sound and transfer it into a a way that could be understood through sight and touch. Switching between the senses like this supported my initial feelings of connection throughout the whole island.