College of Architecture + PLanning
student ADVISORY Council (SAC) representatives
Every year students from each Design cohort serve as representatives of our program in the College Student Advisory Council. These SAC reps meet with program and college leadership throughout the year to provide a voice for student experience and concerns.
Read below to learn more about our current reps.
I grew up in Alpine Utah. I transferred from UVU with a Dance major and Ballet emphasis to the University of Utah where I joined the MDD program. I came to the U specifically for the design program. My brother found the program and sent it to me via email while I was living in Japan. I was attracted to the program because I knew it would challenge me in ways ballet could not. Design has always played an integral role within my life. I wanted to further my knowledge and stretch myself to a new way of thinking and viewing the world. I am very interested in Product and Packaging Design and trading or working for a Japanese company. I also want to learn more and practice within Textile Design.
I wanted to serve as an SAC representative to gain more insight and perspective on the the major, faculty, and students. The importance of an SAC representative is to be actively involved within the program and community of MDD. It is also to share an accumulative perspective of the students experience.
I grew up just 30 minutes away from the U of U, in Kaysville Utah. I never would’ve guessed I’d end up here at the U, but I couldn’t be happier here in SLC, and I feel super fortunate to be a part of the MDD program. Design was a natural choice for me because of my interest in art, people, and problem solving–all of which are a piece of the puzzle in my design process. Since the world of design is so vast, I maintain an open (and eager) mind about where/how/what I will design in the future. My current design interests lie in social justice, fashion, sustainability, experience, the mind, physicality and materiality, and perhaps most importantly, learning and exploring!
I chose to work with SAC because I love working with the students and faculty in this program! I’m excited to listen to, learn from, and design solutions with all of you as we move forward together!
I'm from El Paso, Texas. My family is from Mexico and I'm a part of the third generation to be born in the U.S. and the second to go to college. I originally came to the U to learn how to program before finding out about design. Making things with my hands and helping others have always been the two most fulfilling actions in my life and Design allows me to not only keep doing that, but to learn how to get better at it. I am currently very new to the major so I'm still learning a lot and barely branching out. I have a side project with another student for a board game to practice making something human centered/fun and learn how to market a product.
I volunteered to be a SAC representative because I've seen very little representation for POC students on campus and I’d like to be as involved as I can in the major itself.
I grew up in Kaysville, Utah. I am the youngest of 5 siblings who all either graduated or at least attended the U. I chose the U originally for the Modern Dance Program and Elementary Education. After serving an LDS mission to Raleigh, NC I changed my mind and found Design. I chose design because I am attracted to solving problems. I am passionate about social justice, sustainability, and environmentalism. I enjoy using design thinking and research to tackle these systemic issues and explore solutions through products, processes, and digital platforms.
I decided to volunteer to serve a SAC representative because I am a person who tends to feel responsibility to both the environment and the people around me to make things better. I look forward to gathering input from my cohort and finding ways to improve the University of Utah experience.
Utah-Born, I came from family that had recently immigrated from Mexico City. My father was an architect in Mexico and pursued an education in the states. I chose to follow in my father’s footsteps and attend the U for their architecture program. I’ve been surrounded by architecture from a young age and I love the mindset that comes from its practice. Design and innovation to me stem out of applying unique voices and perspectives to create solutions to problems. I possess a unique voice and perspective and I want to express that and be an empathetic voice for others.
Local businesses are crucial to our economy. They deserve to be the the primary source of service to the community. My pursuit is to create a design consultancy that would provide a variety of services from interior design, to organizational processes, to brand identity; all focused to prompt local businesses. SAC is an opportunity to be an advocate for my cohort and to express their voice.
I was born and raised in Salt Lake City and I decided to go to the U because I wasn’t quite ready to leave Utah right out of high school. I switched majors three times; first in a medical/science degree, then to architecture, and finally ended up in design. I just felt like this is where I needed to be and ultimately I think I made the best decision! I am a TA for Design Thinking and I am currently in my fifth internship as the social media designer for Prime Meridian Healthcare, hoping to continue into a full time position when I graduate. I am pursuing the digital track but I’ve incorporated fashion design into my studio projects as well!
I think SAC is important because it improves communication between students and staff for the college.